Reaper Financial

Reaper Financial is innovative crypto currently protocol committed to lowering the barrier to everyday people. They have developed a new platform which allows holders of their token (RPR) to pay off their debts by participating in buyback and burn transactions on well-known large market cap token.


The client wanted to automate the process allowing token holders to vote and create distribution payments, as they are manually carrying out this feature. As its manual, the entire process is prone to errors. As a result, the protocol will experience double payments, incorrect distribution amounts, and incorrect voting amounts. As the calculations were done in a spreadsheet, the client experienced data validity issues where they could accidentally override data and use this as the basis of their distributions. As you described, processes lacking control or constraints around data and algorithm checks are the root causes for this customer.


The above problems can be quickly resolved by automating the process and putting systems in place that check the process at each step of the way. At Captivate Solutions, we helped Reaper Financial do precisely this. We helped them build a tool that automated all the manual processes in one fluid flow. Features such as customer onboarding, assigning votes to tokens, calculations, and reporting were all integrated.

Scope of Work Delivered

Here are the features delivered thus far, we are continuously developing this product and have a full roadmap of products we are likely to deliver in end of 2023/2024.

  • XUMM Wallet Sign-up and Sign-in
  • Assign XUMM Wallet to customer profile
  • Customer onboarding which included Plaid KYC, Auth and Liabilities
  • Assign tokens to vote on debt accounts
  • Add credit card Add bank accounts
  • Conduct a five-dollar transaction to authorize debt accounts
  • Distribution payment for voters
  • Admin conducts distribution payment
  • Admin adds a new token to the protocol for voting
  • Admin can see metrics on a dashboard

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